Portfolio posts do not open in iphone/ipad

QuestionsCategory: Signature WP ThemePortfolio posts do not open in iphone/ipad
ericjohnson asked 9 years ago

Hello,  I have just tested my website on my handheld devises but the portfolio image links do not open when pressed. They work fine on the computer, just not on the phone or tablet. 
Please open this link on your phone: http://www.eric-johnson.co.uk/UPDATE/wordpress/#portfolio
I have had a search to try and find a solution – could this be a fix? http://www.slickmedia.co.uk/news/blog/glenns-blog/fix-ipad-iphone-css-hover-issues/ 
Please can you help.   Regards   Eric

3 Answers
Best Answer
ericjohnson answered 9 years ago

 I have fixed it!
After lots of searching, you have to edit view.php (wp-content ▸ themes ▸ signature-wp ▸ framework-customizations ▸ theme ▸ shortcodes ▸ portfolio ▸ views). 
Add the following code to the top of the page: 
<script type=”text/javascript”>
jQuery(document).ready( function($) {
jQuery(‘.your-class’).attr(“onclick”,”return true”);
Then locate the “project-info” div (which should be around line 68 after you’ve added the above code). Now change it to this: 
<div class=”project-info” onClick=”return true”>
Voila! This previously redundant image link on devices now works!